Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Yes, I made it! Google No. 1 Ranking in 20 Weeks!

I am delighted to share this exciting news: this blog has achieved Google No. 1 ranking on the keyword search "how to make cash money" in a number of countries:

  • #1 in US
  • #1 in Canada
  • #1 in Australia
  • #1 in New Zealand
  • #1 in HK/China
  • #1 in Malaysia

Below is the tracking snapshot of the Google ranking by way of using the Webfire software tool.

By using the same Webfire software tool, I was able to track the Google ranking changes over time as illustrated below for the locale of the US.

I am pleased to see that this brand new blog has achieved a Top 10 ranking in 10 weeks, and then No. 1 ranking in the following 10 weeks.  That's particular encouraging for a brand new site to hit Google #1 ranking in 20 weeks.

My No. 1 tip for achieving Google No. 1 ranking is consistent update of the website with relevant content.  I have been updating this site on a weekly basis, even when I was travelling overseas.

In addition, using a smart optimisation tool like Webfire has been hugely valuable in guiding me towards the right direction, and achieving the great outcome!

So folks, my advice on achieving the Google top ranking can be summarised by three words:  persistence, consistency, and relevancy.

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Wednesday, August 15, 2012

How to Hard-Wire Your Site to Google

Until Bing turns into David and slays Goliath, the only search engine game in town is Google. While the other search engines can't be ignored or forgotten, when it comes to online search, Google will deliver the majority of your quality organic traffic. For webmasters and especially for online marketers, having your website virtually hard-wired to Google is a marketing Must-Do.

We are strictly talking about white hat stuff here, if you're seeking the opposite color, look elsewhere. As a full-time search engine marketer, I have learned a few things over the 10 years or so I have been working on the web. One of the most significant factors running constantly in the background has been Google. And the underlying fact that the more I intertwined my sites and content with Google, the more success I would achieve. There seemed to be a direct correlation between the two, making it a little more than ironic that the original name for Google was BackRub.

But this is not exactly rocket science territory here, Google is the biggest entity on the web, especially if you go the free organic traffic route. There are tons of ways to market online which don't involve Google at all, but for the purposes of this piece, I will be discussing ways any webmaster or marketer can better connect their site and content with Google. Plus, if it's not already obvious, also give you some reasons why this is a smart marketing strategy on your part.

The first technique you must perfect is how to get your new content into Google's Index within minutes, if not seconds. These days with social media sites this can be easily achieved. It may be as fast as your latest Tweet or Google Buzz. Google News is another easy way to instantly get your content into Google. Press releases are another immediate way to connect your content with Google. So too is something as simple as making a video and posting it on YouTube which is Google Owned. (Note - Google has recently revamped the YouTube system and provided many ways webmasters can view the linking data and stats; great source of information for webmasters and marketers.)

Actually Google will index any new site or content fairly quickly these days so you don't have to worry about it. One method I like best is using a free blog from Blogger/Blogspot (which is also Google owned) and placing links here to be indexed within minutes. To keep track of what content Google is indexing, I usually set up Google Alerts for all my main sites and my main keywords. Whenever a page is indexed in Google related to my sites or keywords, Google sends me an email. Many savvy webmasters use these alerts to find and build link partners since these indexed pages will be thematically related to yours. Using Google Alerts will make it seem like you're totally welded to Google and Google's indexing system, every second of the day.

Needless to say, keywords rule the web and Google. You must attach your content to keywords people are using to find stuff on the web and build top 10 rankings for those keywords in the search engines, especially Google. Now if you're new at this, Google gives you some valuable keyword tools you can use to see how many searches are made each month for a keyword phrase and also gives you some idea of the keyword competition you will be facing. I like using these tools here: google(dot)com/sktool and also labs(dot)google(dot)com/sets. Besides, you must start your Google courtship off on the right foundation.

Next, you must realize Google is not really a search engine but a business. The main goal of this business is to supply quality content to web users so that these users will use Google over and over again, allowing Google to attach ads and make a profit. The key to getting and keeping Google's attention is fulfilling your part of this "quality equation" with superior content which surfers want and find helpful. Make this your religion and the SEO gods, including Google, will smile kindly upon your site.

Now like any religion there are some strict rules you have to follow. In a recent WebProNews video interview, Matt Cutts said Google has (200) signals it uses to rank content on the web. Most webmasters refer to these as ranking factors, but in truth, they are really signals that your site gives off... provide the wrong signals and it could spell lower rankings. So if you want to keep your site in Google's good graces, you have to follow some simple SEO on-page rules, such as placing your main keyword in the Title, in the Heading, in the Body and in the URL. Make sure your site is easily navigated by your visitors and especially by the search engine spiders. Keep your linking structure simple, with no links more than three clicks away from your index or homepage. In my opinion, getting quality related one-way backlinks is the most important way to get top rankings in Google.

In recent years, Google has gone out of its way to help webmasters understand all these simple SEO basics. And as far as I am concerned, one resource every webmaster should be using is Google Webmaster Tools. This is a whole suite of tools and information webmasters can use in correlation with Google. Recently, in Webmaster Tools Google has made available Click-Thru data on its search engine results so that you can find out how many impressions you're getting for a certain keyword and your click-through or conversion rate. Some webmasters are questioning the accuracy of these numbers but it will give you some indication of how well your site and content is doing in Google.

Perhaps, another just as valuable program is Google Analytics, where you're really giving Google access to all your site's information. You can use Analytics to measure different links/content on your site to see how well it preforms. More importantly you can use it to fine-tune your conversion rates in order to make more sales. I also use it to test-out different graphics, different salescopy, different site layouts... and so on. But a word of caution, don't just use Analytics, as an online marketer you want many sources of information, so regularly study your own traffic logs and raw site data. Even with Google and probably especially with Google, you should always cross-reference any data with other sources on your site and on the web. Lets not get too carried away with this Google worship thing.

I use both Google AdSense and Google AdWords with most of my sites. While as an online marketer, I know I can get 10 times more from an affiliate link rather than monies from AdSense... but over the years I have found having both types of links on sites don't significantly reduce sales. To explain further, I have tested my pages with and without AdSense, and it doesn't affect my affiliate sales even though I know I am losing some sales to AdSense. But overall, using AdSense adds to the competitiveness of my pages, if someone is looking for the lowest price and finds it in a Google ad they come away happy and will probably visit my site again or sign-up to my newsletter. Besides, AdSense is a very quick way to monetize pages which I don't have ready affiliate programs for on my sites. Plus, both AdSense and AdWords give you valuable feedback on your content's performance.

There are several other Google programs which I use to further connect with Google such as Google Docs, Google Knol and iGoogle. One must-have program is Google Accounts, which basically connects me with all my different programs within Google. I have found managing all your Google programs is much easier from this one location. I also like using Google Profiles and Google Buzz to get my content quickly into Google and onto the web. As you have probably guessed already, Google does have a lot of programs which webmasters can use to improve their content's performance. In the process, by using and intertwining your content with all of the Google programs highlighted here, you're really connecting with Google en masse.

While many marketing experts will say it is foolhardy to marry all your content to just one search engine, but I have found over the years, hard-wiring your site to Google really makes your content readily accessible in the most dominant presence on the web. Doing so not only gives your content the attention it deserves, but it can also help further your own goals. Actively positioning your site and content firmly within Google's many different facets can prove beneficial for any webmaster or online marketer. Just get that pre-nup agreement in writing first!

By Titus Hoskins.  Article Source:

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

10 Most Valuable Free Google Marketing Tools

Google has become the dominant search engine on the Internet.
It would be hard to imagine a web without Google. For that
matter, it would now be hard to imagine a world without Google.
As frightening as that may seem to many people, it is none the
less true.
For better or worst, Google has permeated into almost every aspect
of our everyday life. Being Googled is now a common expression and
an act carried out by millions of users around the world each day.
New Google products and services are coming on stream at a frightening
pace, further increasing Google's impact on our lives.
Despite this dominating presence, many people still don't realize
Google offers some excellent free marketing tools for marketers
and webmasters. Marketing tools which can prove extremely valuable
to any webmaster or marketer trying to promote their sites or
products online. Useful tools that will make your promotions
easier and much more profitable.
Don't be fooled by the 'free' label, these marketing tools
might be free but there are also valuable. One even wonders
why Google would be giving away these tools and services for
free? It probably makes good business sense in the long
run, by providing these free tools Google is fostering a
lot of company good-will and building up the Google brand
name in the process. Good PR is good business.
Every marketer and webmaster should be taking advantage of
Google's good-will and snapping up these professionally run
services and marketing tools. Here's a quick run-down of
the 10 most valuable free Google Internet marketing tools:
1. Google Analytics
Perhaps the premier marketing tool offered by Google.
It will prove helpful to both the marketer and the webmaster.
Google Analytics gives you a daily snapshot of your web site. Google
Analytics analyzes your traffic, where it comes from and what it does
once it enters your site. You can monitor up to three sites
for free.
Google Analytics is extremely valuable in analyzing your
marketing funnel, it tracks all the steps leading up to your
sales or checkout page. Vital information for raising
your conversion rate and ROI.
You may be placed on a waiting list for this highly in
demand service from Google.
2. Google Sitemaps
Webmasters can use Google Sitemaps to almost instantly place
newly created pages on their site into the Google Search Index.
This is an XML file that is uploaded to Google as new pages
are added on your site. Needless to say this can be a valuable
service for any webmaster or marketer who wants to get their
information on the web quickly.
3. Google Alerts
Be notified when someone or another site lists your site
or mentions your name. Great way to keep track of all your
online activities. Great way to monitor all your online
business interests and products.
4. Google Froogle
Froogle is Google's price directory! It simply lists all
the cheapest prices for different products on the web.
For marketers and webmasters who are promoting products,
it should be studied and analyzed. Optimizing your
site's content for Froogle may prove to be very beneficial.
Follow Froogle or Google directions exactly on how to
list or display products on your site. Froogle will
spider your site and display your prices and products
to thousands of targeted customers. That, as they say,
is priceless.
5. Google Checkout
Not exactly free but for those marketers who use AdWords
--- for every $1 spent on AdWords you can process $10 for free.
You can also place the shopping cart logo on your AdWords ad
and take advantage of the prestige and trust the Google
brand name has built up.
Over time marketers may find this tool to be very
effective and valuable.
6. Google eBlogger
Blogging has become vitally important to the health and
functioning of your web site. No site should be without
at least one blog and RSS feed. Creating a blog (online journal)
on the topic of your web site or product will bring in extra traffic
and targeted customers. eBlogger is a simple free
blogging service that even lets you publish or post your blog
files to your own web site server. Keep in mind, each blog
has that all important Google Blog Search bar.
7. Google Toolbar - Enterprise Version
Try the new enterprise version of the Google Toolbar
for your company or business. Integrates countless
features with all your employees or corporate
network. These could include a common customer
database, company calendar, financial news...
Keep in mind, Google also ranks every page it indexes on
a scale of 0-10. While it is important to know the Page Rank of
your own pages, it is even more important to know the PR of
your competitor's pages. You can use the toolbar to get
the PR of each page you're visiting. Extremely helpful
information for webmasters and marketers to know when
forming online linking or business arrangements.
8. Google Groups
Every marketer knows the important of having a large
contact list of people with a similar interest. Social
networking will play an ever increasing role in your
success on the web. Just look at the growing popularity
of sites like MySpace and LiveJournal.
Google groups is another form of social and business
networking that every marketer should be aware of and
9. Google AdSense
One simple way to monetize your web content is to
use Google Adsense. Just place the AdSense code
on your site and receive a check from Google each
month. For webmasters who are not really into
online marketing (does such creatures exist?) AdSense
can be a painless way to earn extra income from
your site.
For professional marketers using the AdSense system can
supply a tremendous amount of marketing information on the
keywords in their particular niche. It keeps the
marketer informed on what keywords are being bid
on and how much advertisers are willing to pay.
AdSense also has an excellent real-time tracking
system you can use to keep track of all your
important web pages.
10. Google Writely
A recent addition to Google's stable of free products.
Writely is a full featured online writing editor with
spellcheck and great collaborating features. It also
lets you publish your content directly to your blogs.
One feature that may be of interest to marketers, it lets
your save files in the popular download format of PDF.
Lets face it, until video takes over the web in four
or five years time --- the written word is still king on the
net. It is the medium that markets, promotes and sells
your content or products. Writely will help you write better.
Honorable Mention - Google Trends
This Google program will let you search popular trends,
important for marketers searching for the latest hot
product to promote. You can also break down these trends
by different regions.
Final Note
Please take note that signing up for a Google account will
usually help you in obtaining most of these free services or
programs. Some of these programs may have to be applied for
individually. But be assured, all these free Google marketing
tools are well worth your time and effort. They will make your
marketing easier and they will help any webmaster or marketer
run their online business more efficiently.
By Titus Hoskins.  Article Source:

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Google adds social tools for businesses

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Google is buying a company that specializes in social media marketing as it intensifies competition with Facebook for ad dollars and attention.

Google Inc., owner of the world’s largest Internet search engine, said it is acquiring Wildfire Interactive Inc., a startup that helps companies market their wares via social media.
Google will pay about $250 million plus performance incentives for Wildfire, according to two people familiar with the matter.
Companies such as Inc. have been buying startups that specialize in social-media marketing, seeking to capture a bigger slice of advertising budgets devoted to reaching consumers who interact over the Web. Google has stepped up its efforts in social with Google+, a service it started last year that competes directly with Facebook Inc., owner of the biggest social network.
“It’s a platform for brands to manage their pages, apps, tweets, videos, sponsorships, ads, promotions and more, all in one place,” Mountain View, California-based Google said in a blog posting today about Wildfire. “The ultimate goal is better and fresher content, and more meaningful interactions.”
Meanwhile, Facebook’s stock is at another all-time low.
The stock has been falling since Facebook released quarterly earnings Thursday for the first time as a public company. Investors were disappointed despite second-quarter results meeting Wall Street expectations, with revenue one-third higher than last year.
The stock lost $1.44, or 6.2 percent, to close Tuesday at $21.71. It is 43 percent below its initial public offering price of $38. Shares briefly hit $21.61 during the day. The previous low was $22.28, on Friday.
Facebook began trading publicly in mid-May following one of the most anticipated stock offerings in history. But since then, investors have been concerned about its ability to keep increasing revenue and make money from its growing mobile audience. Many analysts hold positive long-term views.
Wildfire, with investors such as Summit Partners and fbFund — whose capital comes from Founders Fund and Accel Partners — has customers such as PepsiCo Inc. and Cisco Systems Inc. Wildfire’s services can help clients boost interest on Facebook and other social sites, including Twitter Inc. and Google+.
“Over time the combination of Wildfire and Google can lead to a better platform for managing all digital media marketing,” the company said on its website. “Wildfire will operate as usual, and there will be no changes to our service and support for our customers.”
Salesforce said on June 4 that it would pay $745 million for Buddy Media Inc., which helps companies create social-media campaigns. Earlier this month, Oracle Corp., the world’s largest maker of database software, said it is buying Involver Inc., the third acquisition in two months aimed at helping customers use social-media tools.
By Bloomberg.  Article source:

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